Sunday 25 August 2013

summer vacations WERE...

Copyrights belong to Reshal Shah. Please write to me for the using of this artwork.

The bright sunshine, blooming flowers, chirpy birds and lazy afternoons make it a perfect summer vacation. As a kid, all the summers were spent at my maternal grandparent's place. I feel blessed that I belonged to an era when all my time was not spent on an iPad or a psp. Instead, there was a close interaction with other elements of nature. Picking up fallen flowers, baby coconuts, making garlands out of these; was all a part of the innocence one enjoys as a child. A special bond exists even today, with the grandparents who fondly told stories, took us out for a walk, and made mouthwatering food with all the love. They were the times of physical activities of swimming, skating, gymnastics, rope climbing, rifle shooting, horse riding and what not. 

A palash tree becomes a strong imagery in my memory. Unfortunately, it no longer exists :( Kesuda naa paan (The red petals) I collected and put it in a bowl of water to see the water change into fiery red.

Copyrights belong to Reshal Shah. Please write to me for the using of this artwork.

I miss the times gone and often romanticise with those. These times have shaped to make me what I am today. Indeed, a phase of life most loved, now gone!